Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

Adventures on sunny Monday

Hello dearies

it's time for a new post. Yesterday the summer came finally back and my friend and I went to Europe Park to enjoy ourselves. We went there by car and on the way there we had to overcome 2 traffic jams but in the end we still arrived early enough. Well since it was monday one thinks that there won't be a lot people because it's a normal workday BUT we were totally wrong. It was so full of people from all around europe like lithuania, ireland, france and of course germany.
That meant we had to wait a lot to get on the rides we wanted to but still it was so much fun we didn't care at all since even the waiting time was enjoyable because they put a lot of work in entertaining us with great surroundings like walking through caves with lots of lights and shining gems, music and so on.
We managed to take on 7 rides altogether like 'Euro-Mir' and 'Eurosat' which are one of my fave rides even though it was a little hard on me in the beginning since I'm afraid of heights but I get used to it after a short time and anyway I don't care since I just wanna ride it and have lots of fun. 

This year a new rollercoaster 'Wodan' completely made out of wood was opened and of course we wanted to try it. It was freakin' AWESOME I tell ya! So if you're going to visit the amusement park next time make sure to go there first because we had to wait 70 minutes already.
After eating we chose a more calm ride: The pirates of Batavia. It is a really beautiful ride where you sit in a boat floating through a huge cave with a sky full of stars and on both sides there are all kinds of sceneries with pirates.
Drink up me hearties yo-ho :D
Since it was quiet hot that day our last ride was a nice roller coaster with water called 'Poseudon'.
our after-shower
At the end of this ride a picture is taken while your boat will drive almost 90° downwards into the water. The result of the picture was that I was screaming and looked like I had seen some ghost who wanted to murder me. 

 I've never been so tired and I still had 2 1/2 hours to drive until reaching home but luckily the trip back went smoothly without any interference.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Huch! Du hast deinen Blog umbenannt! Aus irgendeinem Grund zeigt mir das jetzt keine neuen Posts mehr von dir an, deswegen hab ich gar nichts bemerkt O_o Wollte kurz was nachgucken und dann kam "Blog nicht gefunden", war also nur Zufall, dass ich das rausgefunden hab xD Bin dann über meine Kommis hierhergekommen. Vielleicht benachrichtigst du deine Follower, denn die kriegen sonst nichts mehr mit. Ich hab mich jetzt als Follower ab- und wieder angemeldet, hoffe, es tut jetzt wieder.

    Genug geschwafelt, jetzt zum Post xD Ich liiieeebe ja den Europapark. Das neue aus Holz bin ich noch nicht gefahren. Bin schon gespannt, wie es ist, wenn ich wieder dort bin. Meine Lieblingsachterbahn ist ganz klar Blue Fire, seid ihr die auch gefahren? Eurosat ist auch toll ^^
    Und nicht-Achterbahnmäßig find ich Fluch der Kassandra genial :D
    Und dass viel los war, ist nicht verwunderlich. Bis auf Bayern und BaWü sind die anderen Bundesländer nicht so lahm mit den Sommerferien ^^

  2. oh ^^" das is aber blöd das sollten die mal optimieren wenns schon die option zur änderung gibt.

    neeee lisa fährt keine loopings :P und auch kein silverstar. aber die wodan ist genial <3.
