Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012

I love Saturdays ♫♪♡

Hello dearies,

yesterday was soo~ awesome. The weather was splendid like a summer day should be and to enjoy it I went to Stuttgart which is about 40 minutes by train from my town. Well, I wasn't really lucky on the way there. The first problem occured when I wanted to buy my ticket: both ticket machines weren't working at all. Maybe they had a heat stroke? On the train I was nearly dieing cause the air con didn't work and it felt like visiting a sauna since the temperature was 30° degrees outside but luckily there was a nice porter who told us that the air con in the next rail car worked well so I changed my seat. That's what you get when traveling with the DB.

After I arrived sound and safe without any more hindrance, the great part of the evening began. My friend and I ate a huge pizza at a nice small pizzeria and then we went on to 'Sky Beach', which is a fake beach on top of a department store but only with sand, beach loungers and some kind of beds to rest on but without a pool. The sun was already rising and made the atmosphere even more cozy. Here are some pics for you

After a while we decided to switch locations and ended up in a even for Stuttgart quite expensive lounge/bar called '5'. The cocktails there were really really great! So if you ever want to visit Stuttgart, wanna go to a nice place and you have enough money in your pocket you should go there. Actually I like those exquisite places a lot since it provides really good service and fancy, exotic cocktails you don't get at an average bar and that is really nice once in a while.

To complete the evening we got some ice cream at the best store in the city. Soooo~ tasty *yumyum* I had cream caramel. The good thing is they don't use those spoons but some kind of scraper and you get a lot of ice cream like that.

5 Kommentare:

  1. *__* Wo ist dieses Sky Beach? Das kenn ich gar nicht. Da möchte ich auch mal hin ^^

  2. Ja *O* Wo ist der Skybeach? Da muss ich hin...und in die Cocktailbar auch *glitzer* Klingt alles sehr toll...und ich muss dir zustimmen: Gestern war ein genialer Tag, auch für mich...werde demnächst darüber posten :3

  3. Sky Beach ist auf dem obersten Parkdeck beim Kaufhof am Bahnhof :-)

  4. @jana: dann freu ich mich auf deinen roman :D. wir können ja auch gern mal zusammen zum sky beach oder ins 5 ^^. wobei ich 5 vorziehen würde da sky beach zwar schön ist aber die cocktails von der leistung her einfach nicht mit den preisen übereinstimmen (der caipi war grausig) also wenn dann trink ich nur ein radler xD

    1. Bin ich sehr dafür :3 Wie schauts bei dir in zwei Wochen aus ;) Nächstes WE bin ich verplant aber dann steh ich zur Verfügung für Radler aufm Sky Beach und Cockteils im 5 ^^v
